Dissolve a cake of compressed yeast in two tablespoonfuls of tepid water.
Add a pinch of salt and a tablespoonful of sugar. Cream a cupful of butter with three-fourths of a cupful of powdered sugar, and add, gradually, the unbeaten yolks of six eggs, one at a time, and the grated yellow rind of a lemon.
Sift two cupfuls of flour into a bowl and make into a thin batter with the dissolved yeast and one cupful of scalded and cooled milk.
Add the egg mixture, and beat with the hand till the dough leaves the sides of the bowl. Add a handful of sultanas, half a cupful each of blanched and shredded almonds, and shredded citron, and lastly, the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs.
Put into tube-pan which has been well buttered, and set in a warm place to rise. Bake very slowly. When fully risen and beginning to brown, rub with softened butter, and sprinkle with sugar and spice.
(Origin - "What to Have for Breakfast" by Olive Green, 1906. Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons of New York and Chicago. Part of Putnam's Homemaker Series by Olive Green.)
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